EYFS - Reception
reception - sunshine & rainbow class
Teaching Staff :
Mrs Maddock and Mrs Cornwell teach Sunshine, Class 1
Mrs Matthews and Mrs Cornwell teach Rainbow, Class 2
Support Staff :
Our teaching assistants are Mrs Albon, Miss Briant, Mrs DeBoick, Mrs Reynolds and Mrs Scott.
Mrs. Dade is the Early Years Leader and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo).
For information on our curriculum, please see our Curriculum pages.
outdoor learning
Outdoor learning is a fundamental part of learning and in the EYFS and we operate a free flow system where the children can choose whether to learn outside or inside. The children have access to the outdoor area throughout the day and we set up activities that support and enhance the learning of what we are doing inside. At times these activities can be messy and whilst we do our best not to get too muddy and aim to put on aprons – there are times when the children will get dirty! Please can you provide wellies that we can keep in school.
What to expect, When? – Guidance to your child’s learning and development